Techno Food

Category: Expositions
Collaborators: Nina Orlić

Techno Food cover picture

The first night in Floro’s Gastronomical Loft will be devoted to technology in the kitchen. We shall be using various kitchen utensils that are never or scarcely used in our everyday cooking adventures. On our Techno food event they will shine in all of their glory. Literally.

This event started simply from me and my then-girlfriend Nina Orlić (also involved in Andreja’s Pufferfish project) discussing how much fun it would be to cook a dinner and invite some guest over. Based on this idea, she invited Tina Merica and Špela Tušar to join, and we decided to organize something really special.

On Nina’s idea, the event dedicated to the great Slovenian inventor Peter Florjančič. To honor his ingenous inventions, we planned to a series of dinner events, each dedicated to different aspect of human knowledge. We branded the series as Florovo Gastronomsko Podstrešje. This one was based on technology and given the name Techno Food. The plan was to later organize two other dinners on themes of chemistry and astrology and then complete the series with a holistic dinner.

Sadly, despite the great success of Techno Food, the rest of the series is still waiting for realization. However, we did have a second event with a different theme, Floro’s Crazy Kitchen.

We interpreted technology to mean electric knives, bread machines, fondue pots and so on. All those funny machines you get as presents or buy on impulse, only to end up collecting dust in kitchen closets. We went first around our own houses, then rounded up everything we could borrow from friends or relatives. The end result was an impressive array of most curious machines.

The menu was designed so that all served food needed some preparation with these machines. To make the technology we were celebrating really tangible, our guests had to actually cut, mix and dry themselves. To complement this practical part, we also collected some facts and anecdotes about the machines. These were presented them in menu sheet Špela designed.

Because we wanted a real multi-disciplinary night, we also got Nitz and Bine from Synaptic to come over with microphones. The surr-rurr of our kitchen technology was recorded and used as raw material. During the dinner, they processing the sounds into music. When everybody was finished with the dessert, the afterparty launched with the brand new Techno Food tune.

Photography by Tadej Bernik. There are more Techno Food photos on his photography site.