
  • Floro's Crazy Kitchen

    Category: Expositions
    Collaborators: Koelse, Nina Orlić

    After having great time with Techno Food event, me and Nina decided to make organize a second event in Florovo Gastronomsko Podstrešje series. Since we were in Finland at the time, we got Koelse involved and set the theme as do-it-yourself kitchen technology. Koelse modular synthesizer system is amazing, so we decided to hook it up with the kitchen, too.

  • Techno Food

    Category: Expositions
    Collaborators: Nina Orlić

    The first night in Floro’s Gastronomical Loft will be devoted to technology in the kitchen. We shall be using various kitchen utensils that are never or scarcely used in our everyday cooking adventures. On our Techno food event they will shine in all of their glory. Literally.

  • Andreja's pufferfish

    Category: Inventions
    Collaborators: Nina Orlić

    We made a site specific sculpture with my ex-girlfriend Nina, in the apartment of our friend Andreja. Andreja was in India practicing yoga, and we were staying at her place in the meantime. We thought the place could be nicer with a small extra touch, so we built this thing. It was quite a surprise for Andreja, because we did not tell her anything beforehand. We just set it up, wrote usage instructions on bathroom wall, and went to hiding in the seaside. Luckily, she liked it.