
Mystical expositions of Otto Urpelainen.
  • Post Maker Camp Vihti

    Category: Expositions
    Collaborators: Koelse, Cirkulacija 2, Pixelache, Kinga Kosłowska, Christiana Bissett

    The second part in Post Maker Camp series, a media art exchange between Koelse and Cirkulacija 2, held in Future Lake - Hiidenvesi Centre for Art, Research & Design and supported and co-produced by Pixelache. 11 participants spent a week together in remote location, exploring the title of post maker by producing art objects, performances and music.

  • V zavetrju časa

    Category: Expositions
    Collaborators: Meta Grgurevič, Urša Vidic, Zoran Srdić Janežič

    V zavetrju časa was a multi-media spatial installation by Meta Grgurevič and Urša Vidic, loosely based on the novel To the lighthouse by Virginia Woolf. It was on display on June 2016 in Ljubljana Puppet Theatre and included lights, sound, music, video, performance and kinetic objects. If you have already read other articles about my projects with Meta and Urša, you probably guessed that my role in this project was the automatisation of the kinetic objects.

  • Five proofs of afterlife

    Category: Expositions
    Collaborators: Damian Vega Velasco

    Undeniable, Awe-inspiring, Entertaining
    From Señor V.G.A. and Doctor af Urpelainen
    The parapsychologists

    Address to the citizens of the Republic of Slovenia, the guests of said great nation, and the general public.

    Señor V.G.A. and Dr. af Urpelainen will present their recent findings in the field of parapsychology, consisting of no less than first ever proof of existence of life after death. Having discovered the Key of Afterlife and the Secret of 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Dimension, the aforementioned Philosophers have gained complete mastery of these Worlds and their inhabitants. In interest of advance of Science and Happiness, owing eternal Gratitude to generous support from Svetlobna Gverila festival, the Philosophers will reveal the Secrets, simultaneously undeniably proving the existence of Afterlife on 6th of June in the Year of Lord 2016 at half past nine in the most respected and highly regarded Gallery of Arts Nočna izložba Pešak, Metelkova, the exhibits being viewable every night thereafter after sunset.

    Free entry for every Lady and well behaving Gentleman.

  • Fortean phenomena

    Category: Expositions
    Collaborators: Meta Grgurevič, Koelse, Zoran Srdić Janežič

    I have been thinking about the meaning of everything. It seems to me that the important things are 1) to climb the highest mountain, 2) to penetrate a wild uncharted jungle to rescue a gentleman in distress, and 3) to stand under the midnight sun on the south pole.

  • Floro's Crazy Kitchen

    Category: Expositions
    Collaborators: Koelse, Nina Orlić

    After having great time with Techno Food event, me and Nina decided to make organize a second event in Florovo Gastronomsko Podstrešje series. Since we were in Finland at the time, we got Koelse involved and set the theme as do-it-yourself kitchen technology. Koelse modular synthesizer system is amazing, so we decided to hook it up with the kitchen, too.

  • Techno Food

    Category: Expositions
    Collaborators: Nina Orlić

    The first night in Floro’s Gastronomical Loft will be devoted to technology in the kitchen. We shall be using various kitchen utensils that are never or scarcely used in our everyday cooking adventures. On our Techno food event they will shine in all of their glory. Literally.

  • Simasammio

    Category: Expositions

    Simasammio was a project for making people amused on vappu, the 1st of May celebration in Finland. It combined three customs of brewing and drinking sima, getting out on the streets and celebrating together, and consuming atrocious quantities of alcohol. We pushed a barrel full of alcoholic variery of sima around the city, offering drinks to anybody who cared to try. On the second and third editions we also had a positioning system and website for locating the cart in real time.

  • Shamanistic sessions

    Category: Expositions
    Collaborators: Koelse

    Ever curious, I once took part in a shamanistic drumming session in a psychedelic trance festival. Perhaps expectedly, the experience was an appalling disappointment. I walked out of the festival’s healing village filled with contempt towards the shamanist. Curiously, at the same time I was certain that there was a better way to do shamanism. This soon turned into determination, and determination turned into a Koelse project to develop a different kind of shamanistic experience. The result was a series of urban shamanistic sessions in Berlin and Helsinki, closing spectacularly in Kovaydin Vastarinta’s Brainbashers: 2012 Fest in Tampere, Finland.

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